Data Pipelines in Production — Managing Batch and Stream Processing with Airflow and SparkAs year end approaching, thus marking my first year at my current company. The past sixth months I’ve started as a Spark newbie and…Nov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
Ten Steps to Production — Machine Learning Project’s Full Life CycleToday hits the sixth month mark of my current company working as a machine learning engineer. While my previous position is also in the…Jun 23, 2022Jun 23, 2022
Graphs Networks之前寫過ㄧ些 graph networks 的東西,但發現自己一直沒有很懂(當然現在可能也是只懂皮毛),到最近工作上有需要才真的深入一點去研究,這篇文章是想整理比較不同的 graph networks,討論他們的特性和分類,才能針對不同的 graph structure…Mar 9, 2021Mar 9, 2021
NeurIPS 2020 SharingWe can all agree that 2020 has been a wild year. Even though being under such a tough condition, there’s still some silver lining and…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
Neurips Day 7 — Self-Supervised Learning WorkshopThis is a very exciting and inspiring workshop with speakers such as Yann LeCun, and personally I was looking forward to this workshop a…Dec 24, 2020Dec 24, 2020
NeurIps Day 1 Graph Mining at Scale WorkshopThe workshop on Sunday hosted by Google research went over a list of talks on graphs and how to scale them. I will pick the talks that I…Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
BERT Fine-tuning 22, 20202Nov 22, 20202
未來地圖 by Tim O’ReillyO’Reilly Media 的創辦人 Tim O’Reilly 寫的《WTF: What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us》,書中從網路時代開端的自由軟體圈發展談起,帶到新平台商業模式、政府平台如何數位化等等。May 26, 2020May 26, 2020